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We are a military varsity level softball team. We consider ourselves to be a liaison that ties the civilian community to the military community. Our goal is to compete hard while also paying our blessings forward to the community.

As such we have organized a Golf Tournament at Oakmont Green Golf Course on August 6th 2021 as a fundraising event to support The Baltimore Station. The Baltimore Station has transformed from a small group of devoted volunteers who assisted the homeless in South Baltimore to the nationally recognized therapeutic treatment program it is today. They have 138 beds, providing homeless men, mostly veterans, with an opportunity to turn their lives around.

Just a little bit can go such a long way in assisting these men in their efforts to better their lives and move forward. We have broken down our sponsorship levels by tiers which are outlined below but first we’d like you to know just what your donation could do for these men.

  • 1 Winter Coat – $84
  • 1 set of clothing and toiletries – $179
  • 1 Hour of therapeutic Class/Activity – $264
  • 1 Week of meals for 10 residents – $648
  • 7 days of housing, meals, and programming for 2 residents – $1,000

You will have the ability to have signs, a table set up, and hand out information or goodies at your hole. The choice is yours!

On behalf of the Family of Brothers organization, we would like to preemptively thank you for your time and attention. As you can see it doesn’t take much to change a life around. Most of these men have given so much already through their service to our country. Now it’s our turn to give a little back to them, show we still care and we appreciate their sacrifices, and understand their struggle.  If you are interested in joining a sponsorship tier or would just be interested in coming out to play please email us at marylandfob@gmail.com. Again thank you so much for your time.

We hope to be partnering with you for this fundraiser and look forward to seeing you out on the fairways!


Adrian Ortiz
Cortney Woodyard
Donald Carswell
Linwood Nelson Jr.
Dominique Ortiz
Christian Guzman

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