The term veteran is something near and dear to everyone’s hearts. Our veterans gave their service to make sure we can live free. Most people do not think about the difficulties a veteran can face after their service trying to integrate back into society. Some turn to drugs, alcohol, and close off from their loved ones leading to homelessness. There are steps everyone can take to make sure these men and women receive the help they need to achieve a fulfilling life after the service. Below we are sharing ten different ways you can start helping veterans today.
1. Refer a homeless male veteran to The Baltimore Station
The Baltimore Station is an innovative therapeutic residential and outpatient treatment program supporting veterans who are overcoming obstacles to regain self-sufficiency. We accept male veterans from anywhere in the country with no cost to them. If you now someone in need, reach out to us. We have beds available and are ready to help. TBS gives structure, expectations, and practical lessons to develop life skills that will transfer to the real world. Our residents are able to progress at their own speed. We are able to offer additional resources such as health care, education, employment, job training and family reunification. Unfortunately, The Baltimore Station is only able to help male veterans, but there are similar facilities out there that support women.
2. Spread the word!
The more you spread the word about how one can help a homeless veteran, the more lives are saved. Most people are unaware of the challenges these veterans face and don’t know how to offer help. Make sure your friends and family are aware of all the different companies supporting homeless veterans. Knowledge is power in this world, and the more you share, the more this knowledge will spread. Meaning the more lives you, yes you, are able to save.
3. Volunteer
Volunteers are a crucial part of The Baltimore Station’s success. Volunteers provide and serve meals, organize in-kind donation drives, coordinate service projects and lead classes for our residents. Volunteers are an aid in the treatment our residents receive. After serving the men dinner, volunteers are able to sit down and enjoy a meal with the men. This socialization is important for the residents. We even have volunteer groups play softball with the men which enables them to get outside for physical activity.
4. Donate Money
100% of the money donated to The Baltimore Station directly supports our men, the programs they participate in, and helps keep them safe from the dangers of life on the street. Facilities continue to experience increased food, utility, and supply costs due to the pandemic. Money donations go a long way in helping offset these costs. Donors can donate as little or as much as they want, every dollar counts.
5. Give In-Kind
Every man that comes through our doors is supplied right away with clothing and the supplies they will need during their stay. The Baltimore Station is always in need of bed and bath items, toiletries, and clothing. Be sure to reach out for the current list of priority items. In-kind donations save us over $96,000 annually, which is a huge help to our bottom line. These donated items allow us to use our funding for critical programs and services our men need to graduate with a sustainable income, permanent housing and lead a sober life.
6. Donate Food
Residential facilities can always use bulk food donations. Some companies will donate pallets of canned food, dry food, drinks. All these donations help save money on food expense. We also have volunteer groups come in with food from local restaurants, with enough to feed each man.
7. Attend/Host Fundraisers
Every year we have multiple fundraisers to raise money. Be sure to keep an eye on our website and social media to see when an upcoming event is that you can attend. By attending these events you are helping us raise the funds we need to cover the clinical programs offered to the residents. Our annual Homerun for Recovery event in April raised over $96,000! You are also able to host 3rd Party Fundraisers to help raise money. Is your birthday coming up? Create a donate button on Facebook in honor of your birthday! We have people host golf tournaments, pool tournaments, concerts. There are many ways to host your own fundraiser. We are happy to help, all you need to do is ask.
8. Planned Giving
You can give lasting support to The Baltimore Station through a charitable bequest. Bequests can be in the form of cash, real estate and other assets and may be specified as a percentage of your estate or a specific dollar amount. These gifts can be directed for either general support or towards a specific purpose.
9. Donate Stock
Give appreciated stock and realize a double tax benefit: you receive a deduction for the current market value, and you are not taxed on the capital gain.
10. Donate through workplace
Want to donate through your workplace? We have donations codes through Combined Charity Campaign (Code 2217) and Combined Federal Campaign (Code 63342). To find out if your company has matching gifts just check with your payroll or human resources office. If you are not currently participating in your company’s matching gifts program it is often simply a matter of completing some paperwork and/or sending us a form to complete. Once this is done, the company will do the rest.
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